PCIM Europe 2018

PCIM Europe 2018


This year PJSC Electrovipryamitel will take part in the annual international exhibition and conference in the field of power electronics and converter technology PCIM Europe 2018 that will take place in Nuremberg on 05-07 June 2018. Our delegation will be glad to meet its’ colleagues and visitors at the booth №160 in the hall №9.

Serial products and recent developments of PJSC Electrovipryamitel for different applications in power engineering and transportation will be presented at the exhibition.

Our company will demonstrate a wide range of devices that could be interested to all visitors: light-triggered thyristor series for phase control, high-voltage diodes and thyristors for voltage up to 10 000 V, high-current commutators for pulse applications for currents up to 400 kA, IGBT-modules with increased isolation voltage up to 15 kV, hybrid Si-SiC IGBT modules, fast switching thyristor series for induction melting, diode-thyristor modules and etc.

Technical specialists of Electrovipryamitel will make reports in the field of power electronics:

  • Application of MMC AlSiC Thermocompensators in Power Press-Pack Diodes and Thyristors;
  • High Voltage Semiconductor Switch on the Base of RCRSD for Bipolar Power Current Pulse Commutation.

We hope for establishing of interesting and useful contacts with our colleagues on this remarkable meeting for subsequent development.